7.0 日语 · 2025 · 日本 · 日韩剧
Dinosaur follows Nina (Ashley Storrie), an autistic woman in her 30s, who adores her life living with her sister and best friend Evie. However, when Evie rushes into an engagement after only six weeks and makes Nina her maid of honour, Nina is floored. Forced to reconcile with her sister’s impulsive decision, Nina grapples with what this new challenge means. Nina’s relationship with her sister isn’t the only change that she’s navigating, as she explores new possibilities in her palaeontology career and a potential new relationship in her own life with the introduction of kind-hearted Lee, who helps Nina to see these new challenges in a more positive light. As their relationship blossoms, we see that Nina helps Lee just as much as he helps her.
9.0 普通话 · 2021 · 内地 · 剧情片
夜幕降临,资深刑警钟文(成龙 饰)接到离家出走许久的女儿苗苗(景甜 饰)的电话,他暗怀喜悦准时来到了正进行三周年店庆的武吧。酒吧老板武江(刘烨 饰)热情地接待了他,但是酒吧内光怪陆离和乌烟瘴气的景象让钟文心生不快。稍后,苗苗抵达,眼见得纹身染发并且桀骜不驯的女儿,钟文尽量和颜悦色地与女儿沟通,可当得知武江是女儿的男朋友时还是发了脾气。就在此时,一名民工为索要工钱带着炸弹入场,钟文出手不凡解决争端,可没过多久却被人用棒球棍打晕。 当他苏醒过来时,发现自己被人绑在椅子上,冷酷的武江宣布将其劫持为人质。有限的时间内,钟文不得不和这个狡猾凶狠的匪徒斗智斗勇,寻找逃脱的机会……