9.0 其它 · 1985 · 中国香港 · 喜剧片
Eileen is 22 and is smarting from her breakup with Russ. She comes to New York to visit her brother, Adam, who is an airline pilot. Eileen confides to her brother that she thinks she may be the only 22 year old virgin left in the world. Adam assures her that sex is not what all men look for and insists he hasn't slept around. Of course, Adam is lying and is in hot pursuit of a ...
5.0 其它 · 1981 · 中国香港 · 喜剧片
一觉醒来的亚当(雷?沃纳尔 Leigh Whannell饰)发现自己被困在一个废弃的厕所里。他的对面是同样命运的劳伦斯(加利?艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes 饰)——他们被人用铁链绑住了腿,并吃惊发现二人中间横亘着一个恐怖的死人。死人鲜血淋漓,左手拿录放机右手拿枪。 亚 当兜里被人放进来一盘磁带,他赶紧放到录放机里。磁带里说,劳伦斯必须在今晚6点前杀死亚当,否则二人将同归于尽,劳伦斯的家人也不能幸免。而面前死人流出来的血,剧毒无比。 一个血腥的死亡游戏开始了。在剩下不多的时间里,他们必须找到线索,逃出地狱。在最后关头,当他们以为重见天日的时候,新一轮的噩梦才刚刚开始。