5.0 其它 · 2021 · 暂无 · 剧情片
Peter Tchaikovsky created some of the most romantic and beloved music ever. Surely he must have a man sensitivities for above human passions and pitfalls. Not so, says Ken Russell (Women in Love, Crimes of Passion), director of the lavish Tchaikovsky bio-pic The Music Lovers. Declaring that he was “fed up with the reverential treatment of musical heroes,” Russell sold his film ...
10.0 英语 · 2012 · 美国 · 喜剧片
A team of four aliens escape their exploding home world only to crash land into a move-in ready home in suburban America. They are evenly split on whether Earth is awful or awesome. Korvo (Justin Roiland) and Yumyulack (Sean Giambrone) only see the pollution, crass consumerism, and human frailty while Terry (Thomas Middleditch) and Jesse (Mary Mack) love humans and all their TV, junk food and fun stuff. Their mission: protect the Pupa, a living super computer that will one day evolve into its true form, consume them and terraform the Earth.
6.0 国语 · 2024 · 中国 · 剧情片
清朝末年的香港,在上、中、西环有“镇三环”之称的帮办暗中勾结西环恶霸勾心虎,西环治安一时乌烟瘴气。警官马如龙(成龙)奉命接管西环后,迅速将勾心虎拘捕人狱,招来“镇三环”的怨恨。 彼时内地革命风云翻涌,革命党人来港宣传,并计划营救被捕同志。为将革命党人一网打尽,清廷派遣密使联络镇三环,马如龙结识白影红、莹莹、珊珊等革命党人(张曼玉、关之琳、刘嘉玲等)后也被卷入斗争漩涡,而同时,一群四肢发达头脑简单的海盗正在伺机向马如龙报仇。